Tuesday, December 13, 2011

MOULANA MASOODI ....Unforgettable Character Of Kashmir’s Modern History


It was on 13 dec 1990 that Mufaqqr -e- Kashmir, Moulana Mohd Syeed Masoodi, the most revered politician of J&K was cowardly assassinated.He was neither active in politics nor a belligerent combatant.This gruesome killing triggered off a decade of orchestrated elimination of a whole crop of intellectuals of the state. The following years saw Professor Mashirul Haq, Mirwaiz Moulvi Farooq, Dr Qazi Nisar, Dr G Q Wani, A G Lone, H L Kheda , Lassa Koul ,T L Taploo and numerous others going the same fate. Whatever may be the reasons of the perpetrators for choosing Moulana Masoodi as the first political victim, the killing sent one message loud and clear that the space had completely shrunk for compassion, inclusiveness, tolerance and ambivalence, the ideas that were inculcated and idealised by Moulana Masoodi in the socio cultural ethos of the Kashmir politics.The fact that the personalties across the political spectrum from Abdullas to Syed Ali Shah Geelani condemned the killing in unequivocal terms simply render him as one of the most respected politician of the state. But the most interesting reaction came from Amanullah Khan, the president of JKLF. Mr Khan in a letter to weekly “Chattan” in January 1991 described the killing of Moulana as the murder of the benefactor of Kashmiris who according to Khan was not only his mentor but the most sincere and clear hearted politician that Kashmir has ever seen.
One of the co founders of Muslim and later National Conference, Moulana remained general secretary of the organisation for 30 long years.He was the first Lok Sabah MP from Srinagar Parliamentary constituency,infact a signatory to the constitution of India.His colleagues most of them masters in their own field ,always revered him for his intellectual exuberance , political acumen, intelligent farsightedness, organisational skills, crisis management qualities and spiritual overtones. He was one of those rare leaders who blended politics with simplicity and social service, power with compassion and authority with responsibility. What makes him unique amongst his whole lot of compatriots and contemporaries is the fact he was never lured , tempted or seduced by power games and money mantras. He did not believe in the politics of vendetta and mud slinging despite himself being a victim of vengeance and vindictiveness at the hands of his own colleagues. He never allowed his ideas of clean politics to be corrupted by the perverted thoughts of his fellow politicians.
The history of first the generation leadership of Kashmir is replete with bickering and insinuations, intrigues and conspiracies, and character assassinations but if there is one man who throughout his political career remained averse to these dirty tricks, it was late Moulana Masoodi. Mr M Y Teng, the celebrated author of Aatish-e- Chinar might find himself the only person under the compulsive influence of late Shiekh Sahib to spew venom against Moulana and one can understand the limitations of a biographer of the most powerful leader of kashmir. But the writer inspite of imposed reservations could not restrain himself from describing Moulana as the real brain behind the revolutionary and reformist politics of Kashmir.
In the contemporary political scheme, our first generation leaders fostered and facilitated their scions to pass on the legacy and carry forward the mantle of political leadership to the next generation. Again the only exception is Moulana Masoodi who instead of catapulting his family into politics preferred to nurture and prop up the second generation leadership in Kashmir politics. Some of the stalwarts of the second generation leadership identified, influenced and encouraged by Moulana Masoodi include Mirwaiz Moulvi Farooq, Syeed Ali shah Geelani, Shamim Ahmad Shamim and Khawaja Abdul Ghani Lone.
Despite the influence he yielded at the time, the faqir in him was never impressed or carried away by any power hangover. Instead he demonstrated the simplicity, integrity and substance of character in every sphere of his life. He was an ideologue, architect, mystic, philologist, philosopher, parliamentarian and a social worker all rolled into one.His party men would rely on his astute trouble shooting capabilities to diffuse the situation and many a times he would steer the organisation though an impending disaster. The way he skillfully handled the highly volatile Holy Relic agitation in the state has been an inspiration. In the absence of majority of popular leadership from the scene, it was left to Moulana’s wisdom and maturity which prevented the spontaneous agitation from being hijacked and degenerating into any communal or sectarian uneasiness.
According to Rasheed Taseer, the historian, Moulana is one of the pioneers of Urdu journalism in the state. He started, published and edited a number of newspapers and magazines which include The Hamdard, The Khidmat, The Khalid etc. Incisive analysis of events, fair criticism, neutral commentaries and cautioning editorials are a few trends set by Moulana in the arena of popular local print media. Apart from being a religious scholar of high repute and known for his oratory skills, he was no amateur in the field of poetry either. An authority on Iqbaliyat he himself wrote number of patriotic and religious poems. The national song of Kashmir written by him “Lehrayey kashmir ke jhandey” struck a chord through the political landscape of the state for decades together.
During his immaculate and highly impeccable political career, his only flawed overture has been described as his decision to assume the convenorship of the state unit of Janata party in 1977.Riding on the whirlwind of anti emergency at the national level, the Janata party was threatening to hurricane the politics of J&K and Moulana Masoodi finally decided to utilise the opportunity to reign in the intransigent and dictatorial Shiekh Abdullah who by now had become autocratic in his political approach and decision making. This state of affairs had arisen because of the lack of tolerance to any criticism within the organisation and a virtual non-existent opposition in the state. According to former Chief Minister, Syed Mir Qasim this was the time when Sheikh sahib was suffering from the ego of being the most popular leader and eventually lost a number of his steadfast friends with sycophants taking over the control of party that had once exhibited exemplary cohesiveness and unity in dethroning of the Dogra rule and ushering in an era of freedom and parliamentary democracy for the people of the state. The Janata experience may have proved to be a misadventure but it paved the way for vibrant and aggressive opposition in the state with new outfits like People’s Conference and Panthers Party announcing their impressive arrival on the political horizon of J&K.
Moulan’s statement recorded before the UN observers in connection with the historical Hazaratbal conspiracy case and published by the Daily Newspaper Zamindar, Amritsar in April 1951 is an embodiment of truth and reality on the politically outstanding issue of the state. The statement underscores the importance of people to people contact, castigates the ethnic and geographic division of the state, reminds the leadership of both India & Pakistan to full fill their international commitments vis-a- vis the people of Kashmir and cautions against inflicting any forced solution on the people of J&K. It is a matter of record that he is first person to float the idea of Independent Kashmir and used the words like buffer state even in the Indian parliament during his tenure as MP . According to AG Noorani, the author of the book “ARICLE 370” Moulana Massoodi in the capacity of Publicity administrator under emergency administration of sheikh Abdullah in 1947 even tried to build up public opinion to discuss and deliberate upon what is now referred to as ‘third option’ but could not succeed in his endeavour because of the powerful coterie that held sway over Sheikh sahibs decision making at important times.
In recognition of his services and stature, Moulana was offered the post of the vice president of India By Morarjee Desai but the former politely declined the offer saying he had never been interested in titles or positions of power. Only a man of immense mental strength and integrity can take such an important decision in his political career. The fact of the matter, however, is that he always preferred service over politics, solitude over limelight and serenity over grandeur. In the competitive politics of today these attributes are not only conspicuous by their absence but are actually considered demerits by ostentatious politicians.
Moulana Ahmad Syeedabadi believes that Masoodi Sahib had inherited the politics of Moulana Mahmudul Hassan(aseer-e-malta) and wisdom of Abul Kalam Azad. This marvellous blend is unique and matchless in the cotemporary history of India.
As in life, so after his death, Moulana Masoodi has remained less talked about although he continues to remain one of the most important and central character of the revolutionary as well as mainstream politics of the state. He has been deliberately sidelined by the very party he organised and ran for over 40 years. This also shows how the oldest political party of the state tends to ignore everyone else other than the Abdullahs. Moulana’s grave in the court yard of Jamia Masjid Ganderbal has been razed to the ground and the authorities made no effort to preserve the grave of Mufaqar-e- Kashmir.His tombstone callously tossed aside just like his political legacy.
“ Bar Mazaar -e- Ma Ghariban Naye Charag -e- naye Guley
Naye parrey parwanaa sozad naye sadaaye bulbuley”.


  1. Intellectual ,Scholar and visionary politician

