Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sikhs safe in Kashmir: AISAD


Srinagar, Aug 22: Terming the recent anonymous letters addressed to Sikh community as handiwork of some mischievous elements, All India Shiromani Akali Dal president, Jaswant Singh Mann on Sunday said Sikhs were always safe in Kashmir and they don’t face any threat.
 Talking to Greater Kashmir, Singh said people of his community had been living in Kashmir for ages. “They have always felt safe in Kashmir and have admired the communal harmony shown by the people of majority community,” he said.
 Referring to the letters, he said sometimes mischievous elements in the society take undue advantages to create confusion in the society.
 However, he said they could assert that Sikhs were safe in Valley. He said he would convey this message to other states as well. “We will put our best to remove the confusion,” he said.
 About the killings by the police and CRPF, he said government had to change its tactics to handle the protests.   
 Meanwhile, a day after Sikhs asserted that they were safe in Kashmir, the community has demanded a probe into the threatening letters incident. “We condemn the threats. However, we are happy with the reaction of both the government and separatists groups including Hurriyats,” Sikh United Front, President Sudhershan Singh Wazir said.
 Meanwhile, in a statement issued today Punjab Chief Minister, Parkash Singh Badal sought Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh’s intervention in the matter. “The threat to Sikhs was a serious issue and PM should intervene in the matter immediately,” he said.

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